Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cam Gigandet Still Gets Recognized Due To 'Twilight'

Rcognized Due To 'Twilight'

In a recent interview for Cam Gigandet's movie 'Priest' NEXT MOVIE asked Cam about his 'Twilight' popularity:
In the final analysis, do you get more attention from fans for killing Marissa Cooper or breaking Bella’s leg?
[Laughs] I’m going to have to go with the “Twilight” fans because… they are really never-ending. I played paintball this past weekend with my dad — the whole day, people would come up and say “Oh, you’re the guy from –” and if it was a girl, without fail, the girl  would bring up ‘Twilight.”  They used to bring up “The O.C.” but not so much anymore.
The guys who came up to me this past weekend — it was always “Never Back Down.” Which is interesting.
Thankfully, “Twilight” set me up for a really long time. Everything that has such success and a fan following makes my job easier. It’ll always help me, for the rest of my career.