Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Robert Pattinson begins filming 'Unbound Captives' in spring

Robert Pattinson will start filming Unborn Captives in the spring. Until then, the British actor will presumably have a lot of spare time. The only thing on his schedule is promotions for Breaking Dawn (as far as the public is aware) in the fall. This freesRobert Pattinson Cropped up his schedule quite a bit, and you can expect that he will be visiting Kristen Stewart in London some time soon.

"There's not a definite start date as elements of the movie are still being worked on but as things are going now we intend to start shooting in the late spring," a
source close to the project revealed.
This news is so exciting for Robert Pattinson fans! Up until the other day, no one really knew what his next role was going to be, but it looks like it's official! He will be starring alongside Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz in this flick which is sure to impress. Are you excited for this new RPattz movie?